About Us
Mission Statement
Millcreek Church of Christ is committed to sharing the message of God’s love and His desire to establish a relationship with us as His creation.
Our Foundational Beliefs
1. We believe there is one God, creator of all in whose image mankind has been created.
2. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He came to provide the way to restore a sinful world to God. This was accomplished by:
His virgin birth
His sinless life
His death on a cross as the perfect sacrifice for sin
His resurrection
His ascension to God and promised return
3. We believe the Holy Spirit was given as a sign of God’s abiding presence.
4. We believe The Bible is God’s written word to mankind and provides the instruction and direction for life
5. We believe that salvation comes through accepting Jesus Christ by:
realizing our need for God’s forgiveness from sin
accepting by faith and confessing that Jesus Christ is God’s Son and the means of God’s forgiveness being given
repenting of our sin with the desire to change the focus and direction of our life
being baptized by immersion in accordance with Jesus’ example and command
living a life that is pleasing to God and growing in our relationship with Him
Our Purpose
1. To provide an atmosphere where God is honored in weekly worship.
2. To share the good news of Jesus Christ and need for acceptance of Him as Lord and Savior.
3. To accept into membership those who have accepted Christ as described in #5 of Our Foundational Beliefs
4. To strengthen with Biblical instruction for spiritual growth
5. To encourage fellowship within the church family
6. To observe the Lord’s Supper (communion) weekly.
7. To support Christian missions throughout the world.